May 25, 2022

Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)

Ad Hoc Marine Desigs Ltd, is currently assisting many new companies looking to advance the high-tech green revolution to decarbonise the seas. One of these is Acua Ocean, that has the vision to introduce hydrogen powered unmanned surface vessels, for extend long terms operations at sea.

When introducing new green technology, the challenge is the, currently, much lower power density of the new technology. Whether it is: batteries, hydrogen, ammonia, etc, the power density is much lower than existing diesel power density by on average ratio of approximately 50 to 1. This requires creative thinking and drawing upon decades of design experience to enable the clients objective, that of a small autonomous platform, to be realised.

Owing to our expertise in high-speed and novel hull forms, we were approached by Acua Ocean to provide them with a low motion, stable platform, based around the SWATH hull form. After investigating many design iterations, given the geometric constraints, the final solution has been very well received by Acua Ocean; as it delivers the design platform to show case their new green technology.