With more than 30years of designing high-speed aluminium fast ferries, Ad Hoc Marine Designs were approached by Waterbus to assist them in updating their existing fleet of vessel to become LR SSC rules complaint. These unique vessels utilise the home-grown concept to bring economic aid and employment to the region of central Africa.
Given that their smaller catamarans are made of plywood, this proved to be very challenging and required a unique solution solved by using FEA analysis:

With an ever-increasing size of vessel and introducing more routes, Waterbus required a partner to assist them in making this homegrown vison of simple easy to build and efficient passenger ferries. With their new requirements to introduce the larger vessels, Waterbus required expertise in the design and construction of these larger aluminium catamarans to provide greater safety for their passengers.
To assist in this objective, it required designing them to the latest and highest standards with the ability for regular Class in-country inspections. With John Kecsmar being a current Technical Committee member of Lloyd’s register, made this a seamless process for Waterbus, when using their SSC rules to provide the increased level of safety.
Below is the current vessel which is being used as the basis to be redesigned for the larger vessels to LR SSC rules.